Pembrokeshire Pilates

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Change your Body Shape...Longer, Leaner, Stronger


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I couldn't live without Pilates now. A real investment for the future. Rebecca is a fantastic teacher. She looks like a little delicate elfin fairy but don't be deceived!!! "Tuck that bottom under!!" " Breathe!" "Let's do another set!!!" " Remember everything comes from the core!!!.....There....... wasn't that lovely" (!) OMG but the results have been wonderful....... And she makes it fun.... actually!

A few weeks ago I somehow sustained a wrenched shoulder on my Pilates lesson day. I attended the class thinking I would be unable to attempt any of the moves and told Rebecca of my pain. She suggested that I still do the exercises which happened to be mostly on the arms for most of the lesson. I was in pain whilst doing them, but, afterwards the pain was gone and I have not felt it since. Thank you Rebecca.
Meryl Rowan.

Just to say how grateful I am to you. You work so tirelessly to get us all into shape. Even when you're unwell you put your all into every lesson.
You're amazing and we're very lucky to have you.
Thank you very, very much.
Lucy x

Rebecca teaching the Army at Castlemartin CampI would never have thought at my age(early 50's!) that I would have abs, but under the squishy bit I have muscles. Being a nurse with a previous dodgy back (from washing my hair! not nursing!) I never dreamed I could ever be pain free, but I can honestly say that what ever I am doing I engage my core, even when I'm driving and don't get a twinge. I would recommend Rebecca and Tim to everyone, I am still loving it after 2 1/2years twice a week, in fact if I could attend daily I would!!

I couldn't live without Pilates now. A real investment for the future. Rebecca is a fantastic teacher. She looks like a little delicate elfin fairy but don't be deceived!!! "Tuck that bottom under!!" " Breathe!" "Let's do another set!!!" " Remember everything comes from the core!!!.....There....... wasn't that lovely" (!) OMG but the results have been wonderful....... And she makes it fun.... actually!
Melanie Boissevain.

I've suffered from lower back pain for over 8yrs and spent fortunes on chiro this and osteo that, Rebecca was reccomended by the physio at the local hospital. Ive never looked back my back is no long killing me every morning. I have since moved to New Zealand and have kept up the exercises/stretches at home and am still totally pain free even after a 30 hr flight.
Cheers hun x
Helen Ellams.

Just the best teacher ever! My body has never felt so good! One to one tuition is helping me acheive my fitness goals and helping me to stay mentally positive. Better than any physio - and the studio is such a lovely place to practice. I really look forward to my lessons - thank you!
Lisa Phillips

I think you should start warning people about how addictive Pilates is!! I've hated exercise all my life, and I've tried pretty much every form of exercise in the hope that one of them would 'stick'. And finally, at 32, I found the one for me, Pilates. I love it, my body loves it, and I only wish I could squeeze more classes in. Thanks Rebecca, you are a superb teacher.
Trudie Bamford.

Before starting Pilates at age 32 I was having problems sitting up from lying down. I was having to roll to the side in order to get up. I was suffering from neck and lower back pain on a regular basis. My posture had always been bad but this was exarcerbated by carrying two babies and as they grew, so my posture was distorted to bear their weight. As a mother you are constantly involved in picking up and carrying around, you never have time to think 'Now, am I doing this correctly?'. I could see that if I didn't address these potentially serious health issues I might end up with the sort of back problems that had so debillitated my mother.
I hadn't been involved in any organised exercise classes for about 10 years, so it was with some trepidation that I eneterd the room at Cosheton 2 years ago. I needn't have worried. Rebecca Leary is very friendly and personable and she was able to make even complex maneouvres simple and straightforward. I literally felt the benefits from the first session, when I got back into the car I was sitting straighter and from then on my core strength improved noticeably. I discovered I did in fact have stomach muscles! I was able to sit on a stool without hunching forward and I stopped experiencing back and neck pain.
It is only now, as I am expecting my third child, that I have decided to quit Pilates. But I will be back! In the meantime my husband is thinking of signing up. And so should you!
Lucy Black

I am feeling much better. I'm walking taller, trying to stand up straight, and mentally I feel more positive too.It's a huge relief that even after just one session I feel so much better, as though ahuge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I think you have done more for me in one evening than my chiropractor has done in five months.
Angela Iles.

I am really loving the pilates, I always feel tired before I go but I find the hour goes so quickly and I feel energised when I leave. I notice already that I am getting a bit more supple each time, I think it's just what I have been needing.
Many thanks, Jackie Moss

Attending Rebecca's Pilates classes has improved my fitness levels no end. The results are proven to me because I can now spend 3 or 4 hours in the saddle and not suffer lower back pain for days on end afterwards and I am seeing a lot less of my chiropractor!
I hate it if I have to miss a lesson for some reason. Alison Kavanagh

The army liked usMy husband has never been so flexible and trim as he is now he has been doing Pilates for a year. I'm very pleased with the results...thank you. Anonymous.

Oh my God - what did you do to us last night! I'm aching all over today, abs, legs, arms - the works. Great workout - see you Wednesday, Anna Worley

Rebecca is a terrific instructor and I'm spreading the word at home, work and with friends.
I feel and look better. Thank you Rebecca.

I couldn't do without my 'fix' of Pilates class. I love it. No one comes close to Becky with her knowledge and training of Pilates. I wish I could do Pilates every night, it is such a great form of excercise!
Becky is also very reliable, always pleasant and never lets us down.
Please don't ever give up.....!!
Ruth Cook

Many thanks for helping me to recover from my back problem. I can't believe how much better I feel overall, having overcome the pain and stiffness, by following your rehabillitation exercise regime. If any of your clients want to hear how effective these exercises are, I will be happy to tell them how well it worked for me.
Jill Claye.

Congratulations on such a fantastic pilates instructor, professional and with a warm smile all the time.
Brenta Pearn

Just wanted to say how pround I am of my sister for working hard to succeed in getting trained to make pembrokeshire a healthlier place to live in! keep up your good work, and by the way, the website is nice and clean! well done, Matthew x

you genious,fantastic website,very informative ,well done!
Andrea Babes.

Hi Rebecca, Very impressive! I do look forward to seeing you, Tim and the children hopefully during our next trip at the end of this year/beg of next year. hugs rita

Absolutely the best Pilates instructor in the UK!

Pilates has improved the way I feel in both every day life and in surfing / kitesurfing - Core strength is where it's at!

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